Fishing Rod Holder - A Friend To Leisurely Fishing (telescopic fishing rod)

Part 2

telescopic fishing rod

But fishing rod holders are best when used for fly-fishing. Fishing along rocky rivers and streams, it is almost impossible to use one hand to fish. Being able to clip the rod to your lower leg frees both hands for attaching the lure and removing the fish from the hook. Upper pole clips allow free rotation and movement, making flexible rods easier to handle.

But the fishing rod holder is a great tool for any fishing trip, whether you're fishing from a dock, a boat, or on land. It gives extra support, makes you more sensitive to bites, and allows you to release the rod without losing it.

Many anglers make their own rod holders. All it takes is a strong support and some straps. You can even use a bungee cord if you're really creative. This is an inexpensive way to improve your fishing results. But many fishing stores offer a variety of good fishing rod holders specifically designed for different fishing experiences.

Sure, you can have a great time fishing without a fishing rod holder. But you can have an even better, more successful fishing trip with this handy tool.

telescopic fishing rod

by: Abhishek_Agarwal

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